Monday, October 25, 2010

Shampoo WIN and other soaping things

After an INORDINATE ammount of time to set up and dry out, pushed along by a stint in the freezer, my shampoo bars finally dried(mostly... enought to use).  And I LOVE how they clean my hair (in conjunction with store-bought organic conditioner and Baking soda occasionally for hairspray build-up)  For all you soapers out there, here is my recipe:  Warning, it stinks a lil, but smelly conditioner covers it up no prob. 

25% Canola Oil, High Oleic
20% Castor Oil
20% Coconut Oil
25% Olive Oil
10% Safflower Oil

After it had cooked, I added Rosemary Beer Syrup (I boiled down a bottle of yuengling 'til it was really thick with rosemary tied in a coffee filter to infuse it), one egg yolk and a tbsp. honey. 

It smells funny and it took forever to cure but it lathers beautifully and leaves my hair silky (and for those of you who aren't aware, my hair is one of my greatest vanities AND i'm growing it long again)


I'm sort of in love with rebatching.  I've had a lot of trouble lately with moist but crumbly bars.  I'm not superfatting all that much, but I do feel like its the excess oils that are doing it.  Rebatching makes the bars more consistent. 

This past weekend, I substituted black tea for water and added ground cinnamon and clove eo.  It smells so yummy!

I'm on the process of setting up an etsy shop for my soaps, maybe bring in a little more income.  It's still very much a work in progress.  I took some pics this weekend, though i'm not at all settled on my wrapping.  I'm kinda idea-less actually, so thoughts would be appreciated. 





  1. Dude! I was JUST going to ask you yesterday how the search for natural hair-care was coming. I would love to try that shampoo. You know I'm a fan of my hair, too ;-)

  2. I've been meaning to send you a package for a while anyways. Can you email or fb message me ur new addy?
